Karen Joanne is the best thing I’ve found on Facebook. High praise indeed considering that my house is furnished from the market place. I’ve had knee problems since I was 16 and had extensive surgery 15 years ago (high tibial osteotomy, ACL reconstruction) which wore out last summer. It took 9 months of consultations to find the right surgeon and I had a knee replacement in June. After 6 weeks of fairly basic physio I wasn’t making the progress I wanted and then Karen popped up on my timeline. She has only been working with me for a month and I’m am walking and standing better. She has identified weaknesses which have been ignored in the past and once again I have hope of getting stronger and fitter. She knows her parsnips and she’s really lovely too!!


Biomechanics Coaching, Fascial work

Helen Smith

“Karen’s class has been life transforming.

If Karen had not taught me how to comfortably and safely get up from the floor and how to do strong, stable, wide-squats, I would not have been able to do what we were told is essential after an eye operation: no bending down for two weeks.   Thank you, Karen”

Strength & Balance Class

Kate Bretherton

Just had my first session and I’m hooked!   Wonderful for mobilising my sticky bits.

Bodywork Massage

Sarah Easter

I started Pilates classes with Karen after hurting my back at work. I have really found her classes to be helpful, and she has tailored a program for me 1:1 so that I have been able to improve my core strength and change my posture. I really enjoyed the Movement Improvement classes as they helped me re-discover muscles that had been lost years before. I have recently joined a Zumba toning class, and am now having personal training with Karen, something I didn’t think I would be able to do again after my back injury.

Pilates, Mmmove, Personal Training

Janet Davies

I love this class. It makes me kind to me! For me it’s all about listening to my body to enable it to make the best of its movement.

I spend so much time putting my body under stress, exercising hard, making my movements quick and efficient but not necessarily kind. I feel this class is about freeing mind and movement using massage, mindfulness and flowing movements.

The class is designed with no right or wrong moves allowing you to do what is right for you.

Our bodies do so much for us, it’s lovely to spend time looking after them.

Flow Movement Meditation

Caroline Robinson

I have been active in sport for many years and it invariably took its toll on various part of my body, especially my lower back. There was a point when I thought that injury or lack of mobility due to back & hip weaknesses may bring my Hockey career to an end. Fortunately I had an opportunity to work with Karen doing Pilates. I have never looked back since. The gentle exercises do more good than you first realise & my whole body gets quite a good all-over workout – I now have a new lease of life on the field again. My back is much stronger and I no longer struggle to jog around the pitch and enjoy our pre-match warm-up sessions again. I first thought that Pilates and such-like was something that women practiced and was not a “manly” thing to do. However, I can honestly say that it has made a massive difference to my sporting life and I have recommended it to all my hockey team & anyone else that I meet with a dodgy back.

Clinical Pilates

Leon Flack

I have suffered from sciatica for nearly ten years and have tried many different treatments, including massage and physiotherapy- none of which really worked. I could barely walk sometimes. My doctor prescribed strong painkillers which helped but didn’t solve the problem. After an assessment from Karen and following a programme of daily exercises, the sciatica had virtually gone. I didn’t have a relapse until six months later and once I resumed my exercises it cleared up quickly. This is the longest I have ever been without back pain, and I would definitely recommend Karen to anyone with a similar problem.

Biomechanics Coaching, Mmmove

Nick Leonida

The bodywork massage was absolutely fantastic, WOW. I have not experienced anything like it before. When driving home my shoulders felt more relaxed and it was as though a great weight had been released. I had a feeling of being lighter, and energised. Your studio is warm and inviting. You are highly qualified/skilled which is reflected in the massage. I will come back. Thanks Karen.

Pilates, Bodywork Massage

Carol Young

“Thank you Karen for an excellent Clinical Pilates class this afternoon.  I learned so much more in this first class than I have in years of doing Pilates.  I feel very positive and encouraged that I can increase my strength and improve my posture to support my spine and core more, and I am confident now that many aces and pains will disappear in due course.  

Your clear explanations made it possible to feel a change in deep muscles and it was remarkable to realise how a tiny change in movement – with awareness – could have such a profound effect.  Thank you.   I look forward to my class next week”

Clinical Pilates class

Stephanie Russell

Best de-stress ever.  As I said – I would have that every day if I could.  Have felt so much better, relaxed, less anxious and have more energy

Bodywork Massage

Maggi Smith

“I recently went on one of Karen’s Mmmove Better weekends and thoroughly enjoyed it. Karen is a wonderful teacher, pitches the sessions at just the right level, and because it is a small group, teaching can be individually tailored. It was also very relaxing, being held at the De Vere Latimer Estate which is a lovely hotel: very comfortable, food amazing (far too much of it too!) and very friendly, helpful staff.  I would encourage anybody to go on one of these weekends – you won’t regret it. It’s just the right mix of luxury and virtue!”

Mmmove Better Weekend, Clinical Pilates

Linda Thomas

“just wanted to thank you for an absolutely fabulous weekend. The workshops were aimed at exactly the right level and I really feel I’ve gained a greater understanding of, not only how my body works, but also what I can do for myself to future proof it.
Lovely hotel, great food! A group of strangers arriving, left as friends. I haven’t laughed as much for a long time, nor felt so relaxed….would and will highly recommend it..”

Mmmove Better Weekend

Tina Dear

I’ve been wanting to sort out various aspects of my posture for some time. From our first session Karen was attentive and really personalised my exercises making it clear and really interesting. Karen has a very easy-to-get-along-with vibe. She is positive, professional, authoritative and friendly, which is just the balance I needed to get myself motivated. I’d definitely recommend Karen as she really knows what she is talking about and certainly walks the walk to her talk. Check it out for yourself!

Biomechanics Coaching

Arron Selby

“Just wanted to say thank you for a wonderful weekend. For me it was informative, interesting and pitched at the right level, plus great fun, what can I say, except everyone should try it. Thank you so much”

Mmmove Better Weekend, Clinical Pilates, Biomechanics


Linda Whiting

Karen has great attention to detail and helping you achieve the perfect lifting technique. Since working on my technique I have found myself getting stronger faster, and able to lift heavier weights than I previously thought possible. Karen’s sessions are fun and intense and I highly recommend working with her.

Personal Training


James Freeman

I have been suffering from osteoarthritis in both hips for several years and had a consultation recently with an Orthopaedic Specialist regarding the possibility of a hip replacement. He was impressed with the range of movement and muscle strength I have maintained which I attribute to regular attendance of Pilates classes under the attentive supervision of Karen Elliott.

Clinical Pilates

Kathy Moore MCSP (Chartered Physiotherapist)

After struggling with losing weight and being in a rut with only cardio training I started having personal training with Karen. She has made me feel confident so I can push myself with lifting heavier weights than I would have ever done on my own. The added benefit is that you know Karen will make sure you are lifting properly in good posture. She has given me an enthusiasm for weight training I didn’t have before and now I really enjoy feeling stronger.

Pilates, Personal Training, Mmmove

Caroline Kirton

My back and I are very grateful for all you have done for us. Since attending your twice weekly stretch classes I haven’t once had recourse to Physiotherapy. I know you have had a similarly beneficial effect on many others in the class.


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