
In a class I will give you my best attention at all times; I will adapt exercises where necessary, I will correct where I see you need to perfect technique, I will offer alternatives when you are struggling; and I will progress exercises if I feel that you need more.   I want you to get the best from your class.

All classes are now in the community; private classes are also available at your home as are one-to-one sessions.

Weekly classes in South East Norfolk villages

Monthly workshops in Hemel Hempstead and Redbourn, Hertfordshire

Clinical Pilates

Technique-based Pilates; slow, precise and controlled, designed to improve posture, strengthen and lengthen.  Modern Pilates™ is an updated version of the original Pilates exercises.   It incorporates many of the original exercises, with adaptations and alternatives using the knowledge and understanding of the human body, that has developed since the 1920’s.  Some of the original exercises and movements would now not be deemed beneficial to those with lower back injuries or conditions.  There are also new exercises designed to promote better use of the deeper stabilising muscles of the body.   

Termed ‘clinical’ Pilates due to the fact that this type of Pilates is suitable for all regardless of conditions.  However, do not assume that it is easy.  The slow nature of this type of Pilates requires more control making movements harder to perform.   This is very much mind-body exercise; we always work to improve our body connection, to over-come habits and compensations.

Strength & Balance

Get stronger for movements of everyday life, like standing, walking, getting out of chairs, getting up from the floor

Test and improve your balance, gain confidence



Work to get better movement at joints, and through lines of fascia.   Develop better body awareness, improve posture and release restrictions to feel and move better.

Strong for Life

Get stronger and fitter without jumping or running.  The workout for those who haven’t exercised before or recently, for those who have conditions or movement issues.   


FOR QUERIES PLEASE CONTACT:    KarenJoanne on 07793 315512 or email [email protected]

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